Friday, September 10, 2010

Fool me once, shame on you...

Fool me twice, shame on me!

Finally, after some 17 or so days we finally have a Government.

Not the Government that the majority of Australian's wanted, but a Government none the less.

Not the Government that will manage the economy better, but a Government none the less.

Not the Government that will lay a steady hand on issues moving forward, but a Government none the less.

A rainbow Coalition; a traffic light Coalition; the watermelon party - call them what you will.

The decision to install the Gillard Labor Government was expected by many given the tight count on either side. And whilst the process of installing the Gillard Government may have been constitutionally sound, it was fundamentally flawed to say the least.

How can a party who won 73 seats (versus 72) and 44% of the primary vote (versus 38%) not be given the power to run the country? Is it not clear that the majority of Australian's wanted a Liberal/National Coalition to run the country? It's clear in my mind.

This happened due to two things that operate within our system:

1) preferential voting, and
2) the self-serving nature of human beings.

In a previous entry I made reference to Labor winning as many seats as they did soley on the back of the preferences they were given. A few of the independants won their seats on the back of Liberal preferences! So, the question begs, how can a preferential vote have the same value as a primary vote? If we didn't have preferential voting then I'm confident that it would have been a complete Labor wipe-out.

So, why did the independants Oakeshott and Windsor decide to cast their vote in favour of a Gillard Government?

Well, when queried Tony Windsor made the remark that if he didn't then another election would be required and Tony Abbott would win.

Now I have to ask...what sort of childish, vindictive, disgusting, unprofessional remark is that? Is that another way of him saying "I'm ready to retire, and I really only want to do one last term, so let me have it"?

Oh! How could I forget this beauty also said by Tony Windsor with reference to the NBN, "do it once, do it right, and do it with fibre".

Is this guy stupid, or what?

Tony, ever heard of wireless, buddy? It's the next big thing. Don't you realise, mate, that by the time the NBN is completely rolled out that it will have already been superceded by newer technology? Where on earth did you get your advisers from?

By the way, where's the business plan for the NBN? Did you read it? Did you even see it? No! Wait! THERE ISN'T ONE!

I can't not make comment, either, about Oakeshott's speach. Oh My Goodness! I counted 22 minutes of grandiose, self-indulgent, self-serving tripe.

"It's going to be ugly, but beautiful at the same time"....OMG....where did this guy come from?

And...guess how much it has cost US, THE TAXPAYERS for them to cast their vote with Gillard? Ten Billion Dollars. Yes folks, that's $5b a vote!

Democracy My Arse!

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