Tuesday, February 24, 2015

What Isis Really Wants....

Naturally people are talking about all the looniness going on lately.  A very good friend of mine (thank you McS) passed me this article:

The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it....

Read the entire article here: http://www.theatlantic.com/features/archive/2015/02/what-isis-really-wants/384980/ but I warn you in advance that it is long and confronting in parts.  But mostly it's very concerning.

Note: there is a 15 second advert before you get to the article.

Till next time...

Friday, February 13, 2015

Happy St. Valentine's Day...

Blah, and bah humbug.

I just can not stand St. Valentine's day.  Nor can I stand Halloween or any other "tradition" made up by marketeers to encourage the masses to spend more money.  Even the modern day Christmas and Easter get on my nerves because of the overwhelming commercialisation of it all.

But in saying that I won't criticise anyone who does choose to celebrate St. Valentine's day.  I will criticise those who celebrate Halloween though!

Now, I have a best friend.  Her name is KMHL.  As I was driving home this morning it occurred to me that if I say her initials as a word and say them quickly they rather sound like Camel!  lol

LOL...oh my goodness, the things my brain comes up with sometimes.  Sorry KMHL.  But it is funny.  I literally am laughing out loud to myself right now.

Anyway, back to the point.

I've known her near on 20 years, and she's the only person who knows me well, and I know her equally as well.  There's something so nice about a relationship like that.  There's no pretending, there's no filtering, we just are the way we are - and we get each other.  She's the funniest person I've ever met.

Ms KMHL loves celebrating St. Valentine's day.  She's always been a romantic.  I always tease her about her Mills and Boon view on life and love.  

I guessed last week that she was up to something when she asked me for my postal address and how often I clear my mail, but the thought left my mind....till this morning.

You've been reading my blog, Missy!  And that was very naughty of you.  But thank you!!  I love you, and I'm so glad it's you whose weirdness is compatible with my weirdness!

I was particularly impressed with the wrapping paper and the double sided tape - the detail, hun!!  Love it.  mwah mwah

And I have to say what a lovely way to celebrate St. Valentine's day; celebrating friendship.

Didn't I say recently that I have awesome friends??

Till next time...

Friday, February 6, 2015

Life, Anyone?...

I don't know about other people but I tend to have roller coaster emotions. Maybe it's hormonal, maybe it's environmental, or perhaps it's just cerebral. I don't know, I don't question it; it just is what it is.

But today I'm feeling an overwhelming love of my life. I can't recall the last time I was this high on life (gosh, how old is that saying? Was it an anti-drug campaign slogan - I can't remember).

My husband and I had a lovely conversation last night - a debrief of each of our lives. And as I was chatting away he said 'I love you so much when you're happy. You're a totally different person. You're the woman I met 15 years ago'.

I like me when I'm happy too, was my reply.

I was sitting at my desk this morning thinking about that conversation and why I am so happy at the moment. (I wonder whether I should even be questioning it...but anyway).

It's exercise mainly. No, exercise doesn't make me happy, but is certainly supports and promotes a good disposition. And when one has a good disposition it follows that everything is seen through rosier glasses, doesn't it?

Having said that, what's not to be happy about? I have beautiful, clever children, a husband devoted to their well being, a roof over my head (albeit rented), a car (that does leak due to a defective panel beating job though). And I have beautiful, awesome friends in my life.

Tell me, what's not to be happy about?

Till next time....