I don't know about other people but I tend to have roller coaster emotions. Maybe it's hormonal, maybe it's environmental, or perhaps it's just cerebral. I don't know, I don't question it; it just is what it is.
But today I'm feeling an overwhelming love of my life. I can't recall the last time I was this high on life (gosh, how old is that saying? Was it an anti-drug campaign slogan - I can't remember).
My husband and I had a lovely conversation last night - a debrief of each of our lives. And as I was chatting away he said 'I love you so much when you're happy. You're a totally different person. You're the woman I met 15 years ago'.
I like me when I'm happy too, was my reply.
I was sitting at my desk this morning thinking about that conversation and why I am so happy at the moment. (I wonder whether I should even be questioning it...but anyway).
It's exercise mainly. No, exercise doesn't make me happy, but is certainly supports and promotes a good disposition. And when one has a good disposition it follows that everything is seen through rosier glasses, doesn't it?
Having said that, what's not to be happy about? I have beautiful, clever children, a husband devoted to their well being, a roof over my head (albeit rented), a car (that does leak due to a defective panel beating job though). And I have beautiful, awesome friends in my life.
Tell me, what's not to be happy about?
Till next time....
Life can go up and life can go down....