Friday, October 1, 2010

What is the appropriate etiquette...

Exactly what is the etiquette when it comes to Facebook?

I've had a woman try and be my "friend" on Facebook. She's sent like 4 friend requests and I've ignored/blocked them all.

I log on the other day for the first time in months and there waiting for me is a message from her. "Hi TTW, remember me? I'm SC. We used to do **something similar to girl guides** when we were kids".

Yeah...and?? what do I do here? I've already ignored all her friend requests. She clearly hasn't gotten the message.

My options are:

a) ignore the message and delete it;
b) send her a message back pretending to be happy to hear from her and then add her as a friend even though I really couldn't give a toss;
c) send her a message back telling her I'm not interested in connecting with her; or
d) are there any other options?

If I were her and I send a friend request to someone and they never got back to me, doesn't that mean then that the person I sent the request to doesn't want to get in touch? In my mind it why then send a few more requests and a message as well?

So, what's the correct etiquette here because I have no bloody idea?

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